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The Member representing Ibarapa Central/ Ibarapa North Federal Constituency in the 9th House of Representatives, Hon Dr Ajibola Muraina will like to inform his constituents and the entire people of Ibarapaland of his efforts towards resolving the challenge of electricity in Ibarapaland as he announces the capture of three power projects for Ibarapaland in the 2022 budget.

Hon Muraina will like to emphasize that this has finally come as a result of proper, dogged follow-up and his keen interest in ensuring early completion of the power projects, the funding of which have been finally captured in the 2022 budget. He continued, “You will recall that I facilitated these projects in the aftermath of my legislative performance during the power probe of 2009 as a member of the then Power Committee. The projects were brought into the national budget for the first time in 2010. Fortunately I am still in the Power Committee in this 9th National Assembly and maximizing the unique opportunity to follow up on the projects, the outcome of my humble efforts is the capturing of these projects in the 2022 budget with very adequate funding in spite of the financial difficulties our country Nigeria is passing through at the moment.”

The three projects are listed in the 2022 budget documentation as below:
1. 2K30W40MVA, 132/33 KV Substation at Lanlate Plus 2X132KVL LINE Bays At New Abeokuta 132/33 KV Substation.

2. Transmission – 2X60MVA 132/33KV Substation at Igangan & 132 KV Switching Station at Igboora.

3. New Abeokuta ASAS-AS Igboora-Lanlate 132KV Double Circuit Transmission Line And 132KV Double Circuit Tee-Off At Igboora-Igangan.

Hon Muraina believes that with the full execution and completion of these projects, Ibarapaland will be fully connected to the national grid , keep economic and industrial development pace with other parts of the country and become an investment destination of choice in Nigeria.


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