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Poor electricity supply has been a lingering issue in many parts of Nigeria including Ibarapa, leaving citizens to source their own supply. Many residents also pay huge electricity bills, an amount not proportionate to the power supply they receive. Ibarapa’s are entitled to stable and efficient power supply from the government and the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company must “crack this seemingly hard nut urgently.”


From my personal research, having lived in both northern and southern parts of the country and under different social settlement strata, I believe Ibarapa’s power problem rests more on power DISTRIBUTION and less on GENERATION. The decades of appalling performance of the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company, have left many Ibarapa’s wondering if IBEDC could ever be remedied given that its role in our economy cannot be overemphasized.

From the several households scattered across Ibarapa, through the Small and Medium Enterprises to the large electricity consumer in different economic sector, a turnaround of IBEDC will in no small measure positively impact the very fabric of Ibarapa. This is because virtually all businesses need electricity to thrive. Non provision of electricity supply in Ibarapa communities had deter the growth and development of the areas.

I’m in my late twenties as I write today and my thought, wishes and prayer is to experience a better Nigeria but unfortunately, my experience with the Ibarapa power situation in my past years has been nothing but a disaster, unpleasant, regretful and to say the least, nothing to write home about. Even more worrisome, is the fact that, we still chants “Up NEPA” in our own generation like the past generation did in their own. Need I say that the metamorphosis from Nigeria Electricity Power Authority (NEPA) to Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) and now to Electricity Distribution Company is a mirage and a shame.

Worst of it all, is the way and manner that consumers of power are forced to pay for what they did not consume. Ibarapa consumers pay for what is not in existence. Outrageous bills are brought at the end of the month which consumers must pay for, even when there is little or no supply of the commodity-‘power’. Years of estimated crazy billing system has not only made the debt accumulated to a capricious level which made it practically impossible for a none bourgeoisie to clear but also made it look as if payments which submerged in the unrendered service debt were not made on monthly basis.

I have never experienced a week of steady power supply without a blink in all my life as an Ibarapa citizen. This is a shame and a slap to the leaders and people of this region where there is so much yet we wallow in poverty and self pity. Every day, we hear of billions of naira and dollars earmarked for salvaging the plight of power but nothing is done here in Ibarapa. Where do the monies go? Who are those responsible for what? Why is nothing done to them and in the end we cry foul and throw mud slings and accusing fingers on each other and those we should hold responsible, go scot-free

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