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The Eruwa Youth Movement has voiced strong dissatisfaction with Hon. Abasi Aderemi Oseni, Member of the House of Representatives for Ibarapa East/Ido Federal Constituency, citing a lack of progress and broken promises since his inauguration.

In a compelling open letter dated Wednesday 24th July, 2024, the youth group criticized the absence of significant development projects and highlighted unfulfilled promises such as the construction of a modern mini-stadium, new classroom blocks, and Primary Health Care facilities.

They further lamented Hon. Oseni’s inaccessibility and the community’s continued deprivation of federal employment opportunities, contrasting these shortcomings with the achievements of representatives in other constituencies.


Read the open letter in detail;




24 July 2024


Hon. Abasi Aderemi Oseni

Member, House of Representatives

Ibarapa East/Ido Federal Constituency


Dear Hon. Oseni,

We, the members of the Eruwa Youth Movement, write to you with a sense of urgency and deep concern regarding the current state of our community. It is with profound disappointment that we highlight the apparent lack of tangible progress and impactful legacy projects in our community since your inauguration. Despite the numerous pre-election promises made to our constituents, we are yet to witness substantial actions addressing the pressing needs of our community.

It is regrettable that despite several attempts to secure a meeting with you, efforts that included sending formal letters through your aides, we have been unable to establish a direct line of communication. This lack of accessibility is particularly troubling as it significantly hampers our ability to engage constructively with you on critical issues that directly affect our community.

While we acknowledge your efforts in acquiring earth-moving equipment, it is disheartening to observe that no significant development work has commenced in over six months. Moreover, it is with dismay that we note the absence of federal employment opportunities for our community members in the past year, a stark contrast to the achievements of your counterparts in other constituencies who have made notable strides in this area.

We also wish to draw your attention to several unfulfilled promises that continue to weigh heavily on our community. These include the construction of a modern standard mini-stadium for our local government area, a promise that remains unfulfilled. Additionally, we note with concern the lack of new classroom blocks and Primary Health Care facilities within Eruwa in the past year.

In your capacity as the House Committee Chairman of the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA), we had high expectations that you would leverage your position to facilitate much-needed road maintenance and construction projects within our community. Unfortunately, our roads remain in a deplorable state, further exacerbating the challenges faced by our residents.

The Eruwa Youth Movement, while not a political entity, serves as an umbrella organization dedicated to the development and progress of our community. Our objectives include:

– Promoting unity and cooperation among members and citizens

– Liaising with allied organizations to foster community development

– Organizing and mobilizing community development projects

– Participating in initiatives that enhance the economic, social, and cultural welfare of our community

As our elected representative, we implore you to focus on empowering our community, providing sustainable solutions rather than temporary fixes. We urge you to take concrete steps towards addressing the critical needs of our community and to create a lasting legacy of development and progress.

We reaffirm our willingness to collaborate with you in addressing the needs of our community and fostering the development of our constituency. We firmly believe that, through joint efforts, we can achieve meaningful progress and elevate the standard of living within our community.

Yours sincerely,

Eruwa Youth Movement Executive


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