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As Igboora community in Ibarapa axis of Oyo State, set to host the world for another unique world twins festival schedule to hold between 6th – 8th October, 2022, the honourable representing Ibarapa Central and North in the lower chamber, Hon. Dr. Muraina Ajibola has again moved a motion on the need to include Igbo-Ora in the list of World Heritage Centre to United Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This was moved at the plenary of the 9th House of Representatives of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, held on Tuesday, 20th September, 2022.

This motion was submitted by Hon Dr Ajibola muriana to the leadership of the House of Representatives for legislative processes and approval on Wednesday 19th January,2022.

The full text of the motion is as follows:

Need to include Igbo-Ora in the List of World Heritage Centre to United Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO):
Hon. Muraina Saubaba Ajibola:

The House:

Notes that about 1.6 million twins are born annually in the world which translates to a rate of 13.1 twins per 1000 births;

Also notes that research reveals, that Yorubaland which includes Nigeria Southwest, parts of the Republics of Benin and Togo, is the leading ethnic group across the globe for twin births, with an annual twinning rate of 40.2 twins per 1000 births;

Aware that Igbo-Ora, a town in Ibarapa axis of Oyo State in the Southwest has the highest annual twinning rates in the world, with an annual twinning rate of 50 twins per 1000 births;

Also aware that the child mortality rate in Nigeria fluctuates between 201 deaths per 1000 births in 1990
to 58.2 deaths per 1000 births in 2021, which implies that the actual twinning rates in Igbo-Ora would be higher than the figure quoted above;

Worried that despite attempts by researchers to discover the cause of the uncommon high twining rate recorded in Igbo-Ora no researcher has been able to discover the cause of the twinning rate, a natural birth phenomenon in Igbo-Ora despite the different attempts;
Believes that a successful revelation of this hidden world secret may be key to the survival of the human race in the future and be handy in solving fertility issues in the world;

Disappointed that though the world has informally acknowledged Igbo-Ora as the World’s capital of twins, it has failed to accord the town the status of World Heritage Centre;

Cognizant that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) recognises, Sukur Cultural Landscape, Adamawa State, Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove, Osun State, Oban Hills, Cross River State, Oke-Idanre Hill, Ondo State, Ogbunike Caves, Anambra State, Aloklkom Monoliths, Cross River State, Ancient Kano Walts, Kano State, Gashaka-Gumpti National Park, Taraba State, Arochukwu Long Juju Slave Rute, Abia State, and Surame Cultural Landscape/ Sokoto State as the 10 World Heritage Sites in Nigeria, only Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grooove and Sukur Cultural Landscape have been accorded the Status of World Heritage Centers by UNESCO;

Convinced that if Igbo-Ora is accorded the status of World Heritage Centre, the town shall gain instant international recognition, attract tourists to Nigeria and connects the town to the UNESCO network and partners, and positive media coverage to Nigeria;

Also convinced that Igbo-Ora, being the World’s Twins Capital, is eminently qualified to be declared a World Heritage Centre, based on the existing UNESCO criteria for identifying such centres;

Resolves to:

(i) urge the Federal Government of Nigeria to include Igbo-Ora town in Oyo state on the Tentative List of UNESCO World Heritage Centres;

(ii) also urge the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation to accord Igbo-Ora town being the World Twins Capital with Status of World Heritage Centre;

(iii) mandate the Committees on Information, National Orientation, Ethics and Values, Culture and Tourism, and Legislative Compliance to liaise with the Ministries of Information and National Orientation and Culture and Tourism to ensure compliance.
The motion was seconded by Hon Rahis Abubakar from Borno State and was strongly supported by the Deputy Speaker of the House , Hon. Ahmed Idris Wase and the Deputy Minority Leader,Hon. Tobi Okechukwu and the House unanimously adopted the motion together with the prayers:

(1). Urge the Federal Government of Nigeria include Igbo -Ora town in Oyo State on the tentative list of UNESCO world Heritage Centres;
(2). also urge the United Nations Educational.Scientific and Cultural Organization to accord Igbo -Ora town being the World Twins Capital with Status of World Heritage Centre;

(3). mandates the committees on Information,National Orientation,Ethics and Values, Culture and Tourism, and Legislative Compliance to liaise with the Ministries of Information and National Orientation and Culture and Tourism to ensure compliance.

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