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It is saddening to see the pass journalism has come to wherein anyone who can string together two sentences and register a website to publish them, puts a claim on being a journalist, the piece on the above subject, credited to a blog being the case in mind.

First and foremost, it is obvious that the piece is a cheap political propaganda as every point encoded in the write-up are tissues of lies. It is a cheap political propaganda meant to confuse the general public and paint a wrong picture that the sponsors of the write-up are making progress on the case in court.

The writer had once again exhibited the infantile and the bread and butter journalism he is known for. He had also exhibited crass ignorance about court proceedings generally.

Ordinarily, he should have been ignored but this rejoinder is necessary to ensure that the unsuspecting general public is not misled into believing the tissues of lies contained therein.

This response is also important to expose the writer’s ignorance about court proceedings generally, to the general public. Which ignorance he demonstrated by not appreciating the following about court proceedings generally:
1. That it is criminal to feed the general public with tissues of lies about any ongoing court cases, as it is in this matter.
2. It is not allowed and indeed sub-judice to pass comments on a case pending before a court of law.
3. It is ‘contempt of court’ to report lies (what did not happen) and give false reports about what has happened in any court proceedings, of any case before a court.
4. Most unfortunately, ignorance of all the above position of the law is not a defense, nor can it constitute and ground a defense, as he should be made to feel the full wrath of the law at the appropriate time.

He was not in the court at all, and he was not cleared by the court to cover the proceedings of that day. In his usual manner of just publishing whatever is written for him once he has been induced by material benefits. This reporter has no reputation for the truth and he is gradually preparing a fertile ground for his arrest and prosecution, for:
1. Feeding the general public with lies contrary to the provisions of Nigeria’s criminal code.
2. Illegally and improperly passing comments on a proceedings of the court.
3. Giving false reports of court proceedings (which is contempt of court).

All that he wrote about the court proceedings are lies, the worst of them being his lie about the next date of adjournment.

The next date of adjournment by the court’s pronouncement is October 31st, 2022 , not December 5 ,2022 as falsely reported by him.
All the court did on Monday:17/10/22 when the matter came up for ruling was to grant the plaintiffs leave to amend their court processes and ordinary minds know that amendments are sought to clear one weakness or the other or correct an error or mistake. How on earth can someone turn an opportunity to correct a mistake or an error graciously granted to an erring party into celebration with the attendant empty propaganda? Court cases are not used as tools of campaign of calumn in case they don’t know.
We therefore urge the general public to disregard in toto all the tissues of lies contained in his write-up as mere political propaganda, to falsely give the impression that the plaintiffs are having their way in court, which is not the case. We urge all APC members, the teeming supporters of Hon Dr Ajibola Muraina and indeed the general public to disregard the publication and the attendant propaganda that they can stop Hon. Dr. Ajibola Muraina from contesting as mere wishful thinking of political enemies like them. Hon Dr Ajibola Muraina by the final list of candidates released by Independent National Electoral Commission is the candidate of the APC in the coming 2023 general elections for Ibarapa Central/Ibarapa North Federal Constituency. He will contest ,win and run his tenure by God’s grace, they can continue with their case up to the Supreme Court and Hon Dr Ajibola Muraina being a lawyer is prepared to meet them point for point as may be appropriate. The target of this unfortunate lie-based publication is to instill fear in our supporters so that they can use the empty propaganda on the case to prevent Hon Dr Ajibola Muraina (who is the authentic candidate of APC in the final list released by inec from contesting) which is far from the truth. They are just day dreaming, they know they are not on ground but looking for a short cut to short change democracy.
The general public is invited to take notice that Hon Ademola Ojo in all of this is merely engaging in drama of some sort since by his letter of appointment dated 24/06/22 as Deputy Chief of Staff to Gov Seyi Makinde , he is currently a political appointee and under the provisions of the Electoral Act, 2022, he is barred from being an aspirant, a contestant in any primary or contesting in any general elections. One wonders why a person will be pursuing a court case in vain with no utilitarian value in sight particularly after quitting APC for PDP.
Now that it has become the preoccupation of this writer to be engaged in lie telling, appropriate steps will be taken to report him to law enforcement agents so that he will be made to face the full wrath of the law, in respect of his write-up. It is because he has not been taken up in the past that makes him think, he can just wake up and write anything he has been given to write by his paymasters.

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