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Hon Dr Ajibola Muraina, the lawmaker representing Ibarapa Central/ Ibarapa North Federal Constituency moved a motion at the Wednesday 23rd March, 2022 plenary of the 9th House of Representatives of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, on THE NEED TO CONSTRUCT 33/11KVA INJECTION SUB-STATION AT IGBO- ORA IN IBARAPA CENTRAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA AND 33/11KVA INJECTION SUB-STATION AT IGANGAN IN IBARAPA NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF OYO STATE.


The full text of the motion is as follows:


Need to Construct 33/11KVA Injection Sub-station at Igbo-Ora in Ibarapa Central Local government Area and 33/11KVA Injection Sub-station at Igangan in Ibarapa North Local Government Area of Oyo State:


Hon. Muraina. S. Ajibola:


The House:

Notes that Ibarapa Local Government Area of Oyo State is a semi-urban area which serves as the food basket of Oyo state;


Also notes that in 2005, the Federal Government adopted the rural electrification policy with the aim of increasing electricity to 90% for rural areas in Nigeria by 2030;


Further notes that the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company is responsible for the supply and distribution of electricity to Ibarapa in Oyo State;


Aware that access to electricity facilitates sustainable economy and social growth in rural or semi-urban areas;


Concerned that the electricity supply in the entire Ibarapa land has been epileptic due to poor electrical installations, prompting the people to migrate to the city as a result of the consequent decline socioeconomic activities and access to basic facilities;


Cognizant of the need to construct a 33/11 KVA injection Sub-station each at Igbo-Ora and Igangan in Ibarapa North Local Government Area of Oyo State to facilitate electricity supply and enhance socio-economic activities in the area;


Resolves to:


(i) Urge the Federal Government and the relevant agencies to construct 33/11 KVA injection Sub-station at Igbo-Ora in Ibarapa Central Local Government and 33/11 KVA injection Sub-station at Igangan, all in Ibarapa axis of Oyo state;


(ii) mandate Committees on Appropriation, Finance and Power to include the construction of 33/11kva injection Sub-Station at Igbo-Ora, in Ibarapa Central Local Government and 33/11 KV A injection Sub-station at Igangan in Ibarapa North Local Government of Oyo State in the 2023 Budget estimates; and


(iii) also mandate Committees on Appropriation, Finance, Power and Legislative Compliance to liaise with the Budget Office of the Federation, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Power to ensure compliance.


The motion was seconded by Hon Abdullah’s Halims from Ankpan Federal Constituency of Kogi State and unanimously adopted by the House together with all the prayers as contained in the motion.


This is a most pro-active move to ensure that we (Ibarapas) derive maximum benefit from the transmission station at Igangan and the change over station in Igbo Ora when fully completed. The construction of these 33/11 KVA substations which the House has graciously approved should be included in the 2023 Federal Budget Estimates of the Federal Republic of Nigeria will make the transmission stations at Igbo Ora and Igangan have maximum electricity output for our use. This singular motion is to complement and strengthen my much earlier efforts of facilitating these projects during the 6th National Assembly between 2009 and 2010.


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