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A house of representatives candidate under the umbrella of All Progressive Congress, Mr. Alliu Kewulere Mukaram has finally defected to Action People’s Party, (APP).


His letter of defection made available to Asako reporters read thus:


My dear good people of Ibarapa North and Central, it will amount to a very huge ingratitude if I fail to first express my sincere and heartfelt appreciation to you all for your reposed confidence in me, your unflinching support and your genuine commitment and sacrifices, day and night. Confessionally, I am highly overwhelmed by all of these. May you equally have God’s mercy at every point of your need.


It’s over a week now I promised to update you, especially my numerous unwavering loyalists who are extremely agitated and traumatized by emerging political trend of events in the choice of who best represent you in the Federal House of Representative. My delayed action is not out of cowardice or loss of courage or disrespect to you. My people, I swear to God Almighty that I must not expose you to what I have gone through in the course of our sincere journey of giving our constituency a more meaningful and purposeful representation. If I do, we may derail from our genuine focus and plans. Let that be for another day. You will hear more than enough from me at the appropriate time, I promise.


On the new direction, let me summarily and heartbreakingly inform you that we have met both the expected and unexpected on our way to revamping the glory of our constituency.


The expected we encountered happened to be the usual old political way of gagging and wangling way to power at all cost by political gladiators. Old intriguing tactics, backlash, deep pocket game etc came to play.


The unexpected we experienced was that those we never expected to get enmeshed in those unhealthy games were equally caught in the web. However, it must be clearly stated that there are still few honourable political leaders who are not favorably disposed to the dealership and rulership styles and games that came to play, but, they are helpless. They have resigned to fate. We know them.


The believe of the game players was that we should be deceived and held back till the last minute before they ditch us, so we would have no other ways and means than to support their ambitions. We shall all be living witnesses to the outcome of their primary elections.


In all of these, they believe there can’t be any other opportunity to pursue our popular ambition.


When we have passed through all the above and many others, we embarked on a very wide consultations to really determine the future of our popular dream and our constituency’s wellbeing. The vast majority of the Ibarapa citizens and the staunch supporters of Aliu Kewulere Mukaram have resolved and supported using another political platform to pursue our noble cause and break the jinx of the old order.


To this end, I have decided to pursue my political aspiration through another political party *(Action People’s Party -APP)* that cherish fairness, equity, real progressiveness and youth-friendliness.


This decision is in the best interest of future leaders and the entire Ibarapa Central/North Federal Constituency. It is the best decision to redeem our Constituency.


I want to use this opportunity to call unto our people that *there is no cause for alarm as they believe in getting ticket while we believe in God and people who would do justice in the election.*


*Action People’s Party (APP) is my new haven*


Going forward, you will begin to be getting update on our new political direction.


APP is our Party to beat,

APP!…. Action together

Action together…. APP



Aliu Kewulere Mukaram

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