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The roles of Nigerian youths in the emergence of a new Nigeria


Emerging of new nigeria, the youths are no doubt, the right key,

Over the years,
The youths are always been refers to as the leaders of tomorrow. Looks jamboree in nature, The youths can be referred to as the trunk of a nation and have higher success rate to change the dynamics so as to have a new model modification in society, the the unit of a country. The strength of a nation lies in the youths of that nation. The individual characterized power and energy, capabilities and will to support the nation systems, viz à viz Administration, Politics, Commerce, Religion, Telecommunication, Security, Education, Science Technology and Advancement, Entertainment and Sports, the youths are needed to serve as the Greece for wheels of change and development of the nation. The youths also form a sensitive age group that harbours objectives and goals for important social changes.

Indubitably, The development of nation is fully dependent on the abilities and will of the youths. The power of youths must be positively utilized in all areas like health, education, technology, business, trade, etc. and integrated with moral value education to spread peace and welfare throughout the country.

Cambridge Dictionary, defines youth as the period of your life when you are young, or the state of being young.

Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English also described youth as the period between childhood and full manhood, It is the period between childhood and adulthood, described as the physical period and psychological development from the beginning of puberty to maturity and early adulthood.

In Nigeria, one is considered youth when he/she is between the ages of 18-35 years according the Federal Republic of Nigeria National Youth Policy (2019-2023). Youths become dynamic in actions and play important roles in building a nation, the government and the society must see the youths as a tool to creating a smooth developmental atmosphere in order to set the entryway to national growth and development at its altitude. Youths must have the ability to make choices that support the pursuit of educational goals and the development of life skills necessary for national and even local leadership positions.

Several numbers over leaders has led this great country during their youthful age, and, to a reasonable doubt, do not perform badly during this reign, though, many argument lingers amongst citizenry, that, they were capacitated only because it was during military rule, but, we’ve seen across the world, how youths led their country in a Democratic era rightfully,

One of them is General Yakubu Gowon (31 years old),
He was born on October 19, 1934. Following the assassination of Major General Aguiyi-Ironsi, the second Nigerian president and the first military head of state on July 29, 1966, Gowon took over, and according to the history, he carve niche for himself.

He became the third President of Nigeria and youngest head of state ever on August 1, 1966, before his 32nd birthday on October 19th.

He (Gowon) has the longest tenure in Nigerian history (1966–1975).

General Murtala Muhammed (37 years old)
was born on November 8, 1938. After serving as a federal commissioner under Gowon, he stepped into office on July 29, 1975. And, he also made history.

Gen. Muhammed became the fourth Nigerian head of state at the age of 37. He succeeded in creating nine new states, like Bauchi; Benue; Borno; Imo; Niger; Ogun; and Ondo. The creation occurred on February 3, 1976. I believed this is beyond an ordinary landmark, but, and indelible one.

General Olusegun Obasanjo (39 years old)
was also born on May 5, 1937. The Supreme Military Council appointed him as the head of state on Feb 13, 1976.

Obasanjo is the first person to rule Nigeria as a military leader and a civilian president when he was 39 years old.

Buhari was 41, aguiyi
ironsi was 42 when they ruled nigeria.

But, today, what has changed?

Nigerian youths, where are you?

As the youth continue to remain in this state, there is a repressed emotions and untapped energies. They provide cheap labour to execute the design of political gladiators and ethnic champions. There is an urgent need to arrest these conditions and signal society to reconsider its decision on the participation of youths in nation building. Youths are critical thinkers in society. They are the revolutionary tools that drive a nation to its great path of development. Youths must be integrated into national development as a whole. As we are aware that the essence of youth participation in national development is to promote ownership and sustainability of change of interventions, strengthen their abilities to meet their own subsistence need, to prevent and reduce vulnerabilities to economic, political and social unstable environment, to help them gain entry into target communities and build up trust and social capital.

In order for our youthful generation to achieve the above listed, hence, rebuild it to a new nation as withing the scope of the topic, there is a great need that we as a people give our youths the opportunity to develop their capacities through balanced education and exposure. To help guide them stay away from crime, we are to help them through trainings and vocational knowledge that will make them relevant as a means of getting them involved in leadership at different levels of society and not only government.



Senator Ajadi Isaac Oluwasegun is the National SENATE President, Federation of Oyo state Students Union FOSSU

Southwest Coordinator, Youth for New Nigeria (YNN)

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